Joshua Lange


人們常說「眼睛是靈魂的窗戶」。 不僅如此;他們也是教育和更深入理解的門戶。




眼睛健康是一個關鍵 – 有時是缺失的 – 正如一名學生所指出的那樣:





最近全球近視(或近視)的增加歸因於幼兒使用電子產品和屏幕時間的增加。 除了培訓外,還向學生提供了有關正確眼部護理的書籍,並對所有學生進行了近視篩查。

近視可以通過眼鏡最容易地矯正。 在接受測試的學生中,約有7%被發現患有近視。 這些學生中的大多數都直接從點亮眼睛獲得了免費的眼鏡,其他人被建議去醫院進行進一步的篩查。

瞭解正確的眼部護理方法和提供眼鏡很重要,因為如果沒有這種行動,更多的兒童容易患上近視或其他眼部問題。 努力預防和治療近視等眼部問題可以幫助學生進行一般健康和學校教育。 和尚莊和增益學校的老師們表示,篩查和健康教育活動非常有意義,並將進一步讓他們有機會跟進正在進行的與眼部護理和學生整體健康相關的健康教育。


感謝您的慷慨捐贈。 你們正在明顯改變這些孩子的生活,讓他們有機會看到光明的未來。

靈魂之窗和通往光明未來的大門 閱讀全文 »



與世界各地的許多學生一樣,中國的教育在春季時期的大部分學期都移到了線上。 對許多住在農村的學生們來說,互聯網的缺乏導致課程變得很難跟上。 為了給這些學生更多的時間準備,高考的日期被推遲了一個月,現在將在2020年7月7日至8日舉行。

隨著高考的日期的越來越近,學生們的壓力也越來越大。 學生們,父母們和老師們都清楚的知道,高考成績將成為一位孩子教育和職業未來方向的主要決定因素。 因此,中國學生們為這兩天的考試付出了大量的汗水與準備,不管是在清晨,漫長的夜晚或本該休息的周末裡,他們永遠都在努力的學習著。

對於您正在支持的學生們來說,困難的家境會使他們背上的學習壓力雪上加霜。 通常,對於來自低收入農村家庭的學生們來說,他們非常可能是家庭中第一個參加高考並有機會上大學的人。 即使還沒到高三的年齡,這些學生們已經在承受著與高考有關的壓力和焦慮。 在這個獨特的學年中,學生們在準備高考時又遇到了另一個巨大的壓力因素—新冠肺炎所帶來的變化和局限性。

為了緩解學生們的壓力並幫助他們面對高考和未來中的各種挑戰,CWEF於2020年5月底為您在昭通市所支持的應屆畢業生們舉辦了一次大學前的研討會。 研討會的目的專注於四個方面:

  1. 1.了解學生們在高考前的心態和狀態,並為了幫助他們保持健康的心理而進行調整。
  2. 2.幫助減輕學生們的心理壓力和焦慮。
  3. 3.分享有關參加高考的各種建議。
  4. 4. 以一對一的方式協助學生們所面臨的任何特殊困難或情況。

我們邀請了心理諮詢師兼心理健康研究人員Zhonglu小姐來擔任研討會的主持人。 Zhonglu與CWEF的本地合作夥伴之一—-云南武定縣Zhengxin社會工作服務中心一起工作著。 在其中一個主要的小組會議中,她帶領了學生與小組一起分享了以下方面的信息:

  1. 1.我未來的夢想或最大希望是…
  2. 2.我的“謹慎願望”是……
  3. 3.我目前的狀態是…
  4. 4.目前,我最快樂的事情是…
  5. 5.目前,我最悲傷的事情是…


“許多參加的學生們明顯地表現出了強烈的孤獨感和沈重的壓力。 同時,許多學生也分享了與同學們在校園裡緊密的情感聯繫和強烈的社區意識所帶來的快樂。 儘管他們面臨著很多的壓力和焦慮,使我感到鼓舞的是,學生們也正在自己尋找適合自己的應對方法。 有些選擇了籃球和跑步,另一些則選擇了寫日記或與同學們聊天。”


“是的,高考是你一生中最重要的事情之一,但你也必須努力以和平的心態對待它。如果你太過多餘關注它,你會很容易在心理上遭到挫敗。 這項考試雖然會對你的未來有很大影響,但它並不會完全的決定你未來的所有。” 如果你太過多餘關注它,你會很容易在心理上遭到挫敗。 這項考試雖然會對你的未來有很大影響,但它並不會完全的決定你未來的所有。”

感謝所有您提供的幫助,你的捐助使這些年輕女性有機會勇於面對這一重要時刻。 當 他們在接下來的一周裡,為高考與未來做最後的準備時,請務必把他們放在您的心上並為她們祈禱!

跟我們一起幫助並教育需要被協助的年輕女性 :

怎麼為高考和光明的未來做充分的準備 閱讀全文 »

Sustained Health and Hope for Sarer 對Sarer的持續性健康和希望

Sarer was a young wife and mother when she was widowed in 1994 in rural Cambodia. Sarer於1994年在柬埔寨鄉村喪偶時,還是一位年輕的妻子和母親。 Her husband died of malaria, a common malady for farmers in tropical areas. 她的丈夫死於瘧疾, 而熱帶地區農民普遍患有瘧疾。 Sarer lives in a multi-generational home with her elderly mother, along with her daughter and son-in-law. Sarer與年邁的母親以及女兒和女婿一同住在多代人的房屋裡。 She works hard to provide daily necessities for her family. 她努力工作為了給家人提供生活必需品。

“As a widow, without a good education, I don’t have any opportunity to work in higher-paying jobs. I work as a farmer, raising chickens, and I grow some veggies,” shares Sarer. “作為一名寡婦,我沒有受過良好的教育,沒有任何機會從事高薪工作。我從事農民工作,養雞,還種了一些蔬菜” ,Sarer分享道。 “I remember a few years ago, my mom got sick with typhoid and stomach pains, while my daughter’s health was also weak. “我記得幾年前,我媽媽因傷寒和胃痛生病,而同時我女兒的健康狀況也很差。 It required so much money that I took some loans to solve these problems. 它需要花費非常大數目的錢,於是我借了些貸款來解決這些問題。 I thought that sickness is a part of [normal] life … so I didn’t fight to get anything better.” 我以為疾病就是生活中的一部分,所以我沒有爲取得更好的進步而爭取。”

Through a CWEF Animal Gift project, Sarer’s livelihood started to improve. 通過協同福利及教育基金的一個「動物之禮」項目,Sarer的生活開始得到改善。 She received animal husbandry training and five chickens. 她接受了畜牧業的培訓和五隻雞。 Her brood of chickens now numbers around 80! 她的雞群現在大約有80隻! With the money from her chicken business, Sarer purchased a rice mill machine. Sarer用她的養雞事業所得的錢購買了一台碾米機。 She sells organic rice and uses the rice bran to feed her animals. 她出售有機大米,並用米糠來餵養動物。

Later, CWEF introduced health training and made biosand water filters available to Sarer’s village. 後來,協同福利及教育基金實施了健康方面的培訓,並向Sarer的村莊提供了生物砂濾水器。 “I learned more about the bad effects of using unclean water.” “我更多了了解了使用不潔的水造成的不良影響。” She discovered that the cause of many diseases that her family and neighboring villagers experienced were from unclean water, such as abdominal pain, typhoid fever, and diarrhea. 她發現她的家人和附近的村民經歷了許多疾病,例如腹痛,傷寒和腹瀉,而原因來自於不乾淨的水。 Sarer was very interested in using a biosand water filter. Sarer對於生物砂濾水器的使用非常感興趣。 “I thought that I need to protect myself and take care my family from now on.” “我認為從現在開始我需要保護自己並照顧我的家人”

Sarer’s health improved dramatically once she received a biosand water filter in 2018. Sarer在2018年獲得生物砂濾水器後,健康狀況便得到了顯著的改善。 She no longer needs to search for firewood needed to boil and purify her drinking water. 她不再需要尋找柴火去燒開和淨化飲用水。 “I trust the biosand filter!” she shares. “我對生物砂過濾器很有信心!”她分享道。 “I use the water for cooking, drinking, and showering. I am now healthier than in the past. I have more strength to work and take care of my family.” “我使用水來做飯,飲用,和淋浴。現在我比過去更加健康。我有了更多的力量去工作和照顧我的家人。”

CWEF’s vision is a “world of thriving communities, serving and inspiring hope in others.” 協同福利及教育基金的願景是“一個繁榮的社區,為他人服務並激發希望的世界。” Through CWEF projects, Sarer and her family are now thriving. 通過協同福利及教育基金的項目,Sarer和她家人現在蒸蒸日上。 In her own words, she reflects: 用她自己的話來說,她反映:

“My life is better than five to six years ago. Thank you so much for bringing the development projects – both Animal Gift and Biosand Filter projects – to my community.” “我的生活比五六年前要好多了。非常感謝您將開發項目「動物之禮」和「生物砂濾水器計畫」來引入我的社區。”

Support Mothers Like Sarer: 支持像Sarer這樣的母親:


Sustained Health and Hope for Sarer 對Sarer的持續性健康和希望 閱讀全文 »

Protection for Today, Health for Tomorrow 守護今日,健康明天

In May 2020, student health advocates at Zengyi primary school in Yunnan province received training in specific health knowledge and behaviors, which they have committed to pass on to their peers and to model in their daily life. 2020年5月,雲南省增益小學的一名學生健康倡導者接受了關於健康知識習慣的培訓。他們的責任是將知識傳授給周邊的同學,也要做同學的榜樣。

Guimei, a 10-year-old student at Zengyi, was selected to be a student health advocate because of her personal discipline, confidence, and natural leadership qualities. 桂梅,一名增益小學的10歲學生,因她的自律、信心和天生的領導力,被選為了學生健康提倡者。 She and her family are from the Miao ethnic minority group, and because her home is far away Guimei lives at the school during the week. 她和她的家人都是苗族人。由於家離得很遠,所以桂梅平日都在校住宿。 At home, her family does not have access to sanitary toilets or bathing facilities, so Guimei bathes during the week when she boards at school. 她家裡沒有衛生的廁所或浴室,所以桂梅都是在住校期間洗澡。 It was also at school that Guimei learned crucial health and hygiene lessons through CWEF’s HEAL program. 也是在學校,桂梅才通過CWEF的HEAL計畫學到了至關重要的健康衛生知識。

“I learned to wash my hands frequently, wear masks, have good hygiene, and not eat junk food,” shares Guimei. “我學會了要經常洗手,戴口罩,養成衛生習慣,而且不能吃垃圾食品,”桂梅分享道。 “If you don’t wash your hands, you will get sick easily. If you don’t brush your teeth, you will get cavities, which will affect your appearance.” “如果不洗手的話就很容易生病。如果不刷牙的話就會蛀牙,還會變得不好看。”

When Guimei returned home on the weekends, she advocated for healthy habits with her parents and grandparents. 週末桂梅回家的時候,她向父母還有爺爺奶奶分享了健康習慣。

“I shared my knowledge of handwashing with my mom and dad, and grandparents. Apart from Grandma, they all think it’s very good. Grandma thinks it’s troublesome and doesn’t like this way of washing hands.” “我把學到的洗手知識告訴了爸爸媽媽爺爺奶奶。除了奶奶之外,大家都覺得這麼做很好。奶奶覺得這樣洗手很麻煩,也不喜歡這個洗手方式。”

In addition to these topics, Guimei and other student health advocates learned how viruses are transmitted, how to avoid and treat diarrhea, and how to avoid accidental injuries such as scalding. 不只有健康習慣,桂梅和其他學生健康倡導者們還學習了病毒的傳播方式、如何預防治療腹瀉,以及避免意外性受傷,例如燙傷,的方式。 Health advocate and trainer Ms. Cao shares, “The HEAL project is designed for the basic needs of the rural population. The personal hygiene habits of rural community and primary school students, as well as the basic conditions for maintaining these habits, are still lacking. The project starts from improving people’s awareness and solving the problems of water, hand washing, bathing, and other essential facilities, which complement each other.” 健康倡導者及教導員曹女士分享道,“HEAL計畫是專門為了滿足鄉村人群的基本需求而設計的。如今,偏僻地區以及小學生依舊匱乏關於健康個人衛生的知識以及養成健康習慣的環境。計畫針對了水源、洗手、洗澡以及其他互補的必需設施等問題,從增強人們對其的意識、改善前述的問題開始。”

These teachings have been foundational to additional education in the current season about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. 在這個出現了嶄新的新冠病毒—COVID 19的時期,這些課程成為了進一步教育的基礎。 The HEAL training included instructions for proper mask wearing and prevention of this new infectious disease. HEAL課程當中包含了正確配戴口罩的步驟以及預防此傳染病的方式。 Guimei shares, 桂梅分享道:

“I hope the coronavirus will end soon, so everyone can return to school. Studying at home is lonely. I feel sad when I cannot learn more knowledge.” “我希望疫情能早點結束,這樣大家都能早點回學校上課了。在家裡讀書感覺很孤單。不能學到更多知識讓我很難過。“

Guimei’s principal, Mr. Hua, reflected, “The health project is very good, especially for improving the students’ basic health habits. There are more and more students who wash their hands with soap and hand sanitizer. During the dry season, there is a shortage of water in the reservoir. I hope that we can also solve the problem of water shortage.” 桂梅的校長,花先生反映道:“此次的健康計畫極好,特別是它能夠改善學生們的基礎衛生習慣。最近有更多的學生在洗手的時候會用肥皂和洗手液了。乾季的時候會有水庫缺水的情況。我希望我們能有辦法解決缺水。”

Beyond the current health crisis, Ms. Cao affirms the HEAL program’s value over the long-term for people in rural China: “Good personal hygiene habits and behaviors are the basis for maintaining health, and should continue to be the focus. Chronic disease has been a major health problem in China, and the root of chronic disease can be traced back to childhood.” 除了當下的健康危機之外,曹女士還強調了HEAL計畫對中國偏僻地區的長期價值:“良好的衛生習慣及行為是維持健康的基礎,也是我們應當持續注重的一點。慢性疾病一直是中國一項嚴峻的問題,而慢性病的病因則可以從童年追溯起。”

With their new knowledge and the formation of healthy habits, students like Guimei have a better chance for a healthy future in which they can thrive. 在學習了關於健康習慣的知識之後,像桂梅一樣的學生就可以有更大的機會,在健康的未來中茁壯成長。 About her own future, Guimei shared: 關於自己的未來,桂梅分享道:

“I want to be a model when I grow up. I like singing and dancing very much!” “長大後我想成為模特。我很喜歡唱歌跳舞!“

Support Student Leaders Like Guimei: 支持和桂梅一樣的學生領導者們:

Protection for Today, Health for Tomorrow 守護今日,健康明天 閱讀全文 »

Face shields delivered to Wuhua District Hospital in Kunming 送至昆明市五華區人民醫院的面罩

Stop the virus! 阻止病毒擴散! Spread the love! 傳播友愛!

Thank you for standing with front-line health care workers in China during the most difficult days of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. 感謝您在中國新冠病毒爆發(Covid-19)的時候不懈陪伴在前線醫療工作人員身邊,度過了最艱難的時刻。 Your gifts made it possible for CWEF to send a total of 10000 surgical masks, 1500 plastic face shields, 500 thermometers, and 300 medical protective suits to support health care workers and their patients at three hospitals in Hubei and Yunnan. 您的贈禮得以讓CWEF送出總計10000枚醫用口罩、1500張塑料面罩、500只溫度計,以及300件防護衣來支援位於湖北和雲南三家醫院的醫療工作人員與其患者。 All remaining funds will be used to support intermediate relief project(s) that provide support for children whose families have been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. 所有剩餘的資金將會用於資助那些家庭在疫情期間受到波及的孩子們。

Together with many others around the world, you helped us protect and encourage the brave men and women who are risking their lives to serve others. 您於來自全球的夥伴攜手守護激勵了冒著風險拯救他人的勇敢男女們。 Thank you for your prayers and gifts. 感謝您的祝福與贈禮。

All of us at CWEF would like to sincerely thank you and echo the words of Dr. Deng of Wuhan Union Hospital, who shared the following message with us: CWEF全體成員由衷地感謝您的協助。我們在此向您轉達武漢協和醫院鄧醫生的一言:

“非常感谢您们的帮助和支持!您们多保重!:: Thank you very much for your help and support! Please take care of yourselves!” “非常感谢您们的帮助和支持!您们多保重!:: Thank you very much for your help and support!Please take care of yourselves!”

Dr. Deng of Wuhan Union Hospital 武漢協和醫院——鄧先波醫生

Thank you for what you have done to take care of others in need, just as you take the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of yourselves and your family members. 感謝您向有需要的人們伸出了援手,就好似您採取了必要的行動來確保自己以及親人的健康於安全一樣。

Stop the virus! 阻止病毒擴散! Spread the love! 傳播友愛! 閱讀全文 »

Building Healthy Lives in Rural Yunnan 在雲南偏遠地區建立健康生活

The children were amazed to see the purple glow that emerged from on their classmate’s hands under the black-light. 孩子們對於在黑暗中同學手中發出的亮紫色光芒感到非常驚奇。 The idea of invisible bacteria and contaminants is difficult for anyone to understand. 隱形的病菌和污染物的概念很難被眾人理解。 As part of CWEF’s health education curriculum, students participate in a simulation activity in which they see the transfer of ‘bacteria’ from hand to hand contact. 作為CWEF健康教育教學內容的一部分,學生會參與到一項模擬實驗,可以觀察到“病菌”在手接觸時的傳播。 The ‘bacteria’ is a transparent powder that is easily spread through contact. “病菌”實際上是一種容易通過接觸而傳播的透明粉狀物。 The transmission path can be seen when a black-light exposes the invisible fluorescent powder. 在黑暗下可以觀察到透明螢光粉末的傳播途徑。

In December 2019, CWEF Health Director Jenny Chu led 30 children from two primary schools in Wuding county in rural Yunnan province through a two-day health education “Training of Trainers” session as a part of the HEAL (Health Education Advocacy & Literacy) program. 2019年12月份,CWEF健康負責人Jenny Chu帶領了30名來自雲南省武定縣兩所小學的學生們們,參與了HEAL(Health Education Advocacy & Literacy)項目中的兩日“培養培訓員工”項目。 These students will serve as health advocates—providing instruction and modeling to their peers in the areas of good hygiene and health promotion. 這些學生會作為健康倡導者——在健康與衛生普及方面上為身邊的同學提供指導及模擬。

The World Health Organization promotes proper hand washing to prevent illness and reduce the spread of disease. 世界衛生組織提倡人們使用正確的洗手方式以減少發病率及防止病毒擴散。 Once rural areas have access to reliable and safe drinking water, additional health and hygiene practices need to be introduced. 在偏僻地區也可以攝取到乾淨安全的飲水源後,就需要引進健康與衛生的實踐練習。 Through the HEAL training, children learn how to thoroughly wash their hands and gain knowledge about bacteria and contaminant transmission. 通過HEAL培訓,孩子們可以學會如何正確地洗乾淨手,學習關於病菌還有污染物的傳播途徑相關知識。 Through reference books, hands-on training, the germ-glow black-light simulation, and a handwashing song, student health advocates learn knowledge and practice good habits. 通過教材書、實際上手實踐、螢光病菌模擬實驗還有洗手歌,學生健康倡導者們學習了更多知識、養成了更好的習慣。 They are also equipped to teach their peers about the importance of handwashing and serve as models for this healthy habit. 他們也會有足夠的能力來教會自己的同學們洗手的重要性,也可以為同學們做有著良好衛生習慣的好榜樣。

In addition to handwashing, the program addresses oral hygiene and proper teeth brushing techniques, healthy diet and nutrition, and importance of keeping a sanitary environment. 除了洗手之外,這個項目還介紹了口腔衛生與正確的刷牙方法、健康飲食與營養攝取,還有保持環境整潔的重要性。 The training provides children with critical information for healthy living and opportunities for the health advocates to engage with their peers by sharing the information and leading activities. 培訓為孩子們提供了健康生活的相關關鍵知識,還為健康倡導者們提供了與自己的夥伴接觸並分享健康知識、領導趣味活動的機會。 CWEF gathers baseline information regarding the knowledge and personal hygiene practices of the students in order to provide supplemental training and information. CWEF收集了基本個人衛生知識以便為學生們開展額外的培訓及教育。

Building Healthy Lives in Rural Yunnan 在雲南偏遠地區建立健康生活 閱讀全文 »

Clean Water with Clear Impact for Chanthy 乾淨健康的水對Chanthy的昭著影響

Chanthy, 38, raises her two children with her husband who is a farmer in Samrith village in Kompong Thom province. 38歲的Chanthy和丈夫一起在Samrith省裡的薩姆里奇村村撫養著兩個孩子,丈夫則是村里的一名農民。 Their day begins early, with her husband going to fish with a hand-held net around 5 AM. 他們的一天開始的很早,Chanthy的丈夫早上五點左右就已經開始在準備用手網捕魚。 On a good day, he will catch several big fish, which he can sell at the market. 一天的收穫好的話,他可以釣到幾條大魚,然後再去市場裡賣掉。 Smaller fish are cooked for the family’s meal along with rice and vegetables that they grow for themselves. 他釣到的小魚則會跟他們自己種植的米飯與蔬菜一起被烹製,供家人食用。 Chanthy tends to the chickens, ducks, and vegetable farming while their children are at school. 在孩子們上學的時候,Chanthy會負責照料養雞、養鴨、種菜等義務。

While their diet was well-balanced, the family often suffered from a variety of illnesses like abdominal pain and headaches. 雖然他們飲食均衡,但是一家人卻經常遭受著各種疾病的折磨,比如腹痛或頭痛。 “My husband had typhoid and my children were weak from diarrhea,” shared Chanthy. “我丈夫得了傷寒,我的孩子因為腹瀉而虛弱,” Chanthy苦訴到。 Since other families in her village suffered similar sicknesses, she considered it normal and didn’t wonder about the root cause of their health problems. 由于村里其他家庭也有类似的疾病,她一直以來都以為这是正常的,更沒有疑問過他们健康问题的根本原因。

“One day, the village chief come to invite me to join health training from CWEF. I already heard about this organization a few years ago, and that they provide bio-sand filters to families in our area. So, I went to listen to the training. I increased my knowledge of health issues, especially the negative effects of unclean water. After finishing the training, I really wanted to get the bio-sand filter soon because it`s very beneficial for my family.” “有一天,村长邀请了我去参加CWEF的健康培训。我几年前就听说过这个组织,我知道他们为我们地区的家庭提供了生物砂滤器。聽完培訓後,我对健康问题的认知大大提高了,尤其是不洁水的各種负面影响與生物砂濾器對我家庭健康的重要性。”

In 2019, Chanthy received a bio-sand filter from CWEF. 2019年,Chanthy收到了CWEF提供的生物砂滤器。 She and her family immediately noticed the improvement to the quality of their water. 她和她的家人立即注意到了水质上的巨大改善。 The water was more transparent and the family’s food tasted better. 水不僅更透明了,家裡食物的味道也跟著一起變得更美味了。 “Nowadays, I don’t need much time for boiling water for my family, and they can drink whenever they want to.” “我不再需要花時間為家人們燒水喝,現在,他們隨時都能喝到健康、純淨的水。”

The bio-sand filter has positively impacted Chanthy’s family in measurable ways. 生物砂過濾器顯著的給Chanthy的家庭帶來了积极的影响。 “Our family is not rich, but at least we don’t get sick often like before. I have been saving some money with my husband to expand our animal raising. Right now, we have 30 ducks and 20 chickens, both big and small together.” “我们家虽然不富裕,但至少不会像以前那样经常生病。我一直在和我丈夫一起為扩大自己的畜牧业而存錢。现在,我们有30只鸭子和20只鸡,大大小小的都在一起。”

She concludes, “Thank you so much to CWEF for bio-sand filter projects that come to help my community and make us more aware about health and provide us with safe water!” 她总结道:“非常感谢CWEF的生物砂滤池项目,这些项目不僅帮助了我的社区,让我们更加了解健康,還为我们提供了安全、健康的水源!”

Clean Water with Clear Impact for Chanthy 乾淨健康的水對Chanthy的昭著影響 閱讀全文 »

Yongjin 永金

Yongjin’s Education: Blessing and Responsibility 永金的教育:恩惠與責任

The aged woman looked at the infant sleeping in her arms and thought, “she’s as small as a kitten.” 一名老婦人抱著睡在襁褓之中的嬰兒,想到:“她跟小貓咪一樣小。” Yongjin was only a month old when she was abandoned by her father into her grandmother’s care. 在永金被父親拋棄,投靠奶奶的時候僅有一個月大。 Her mother suffered from a mental disorder and was unable to care for her. 永金的母親長期受精神障礙困擾,無法獨自撫養永金。 Yongjin, now 16, was raised by her cherished grandmother in rural Yunnan province. 永金,如今16歲,是在雲南省偏遠地區被奶奶帶大成人的。 “I feel sorry for my grandma, for the hardship she has been through.” “我很對不起奶奶,很對不起她曾經吃過的苦。”

Yongjin, full of gratefulness, was awarded with a CWEF scholarship to cover her high school tuition and related costs. 永金,懷抱感恩的人,被授予了CWEF獎學金以支付高中學費及相關費用。 She reflects, 她回想道, “…your sponsorship allows me to continue pursuing my study without worrying about the tuition and living cost, which is a big expense for my family. Your help greatly released my family’s burden.” Yongjin’s grandmother was overjoyed when she heard the news of her educational assistance. “…您的贊助使我得以不用顧慮金錢地追求學業,不然的話學費和生活費都會成為我家庭的重擔。您的幫助讓我的家庭如釋重負。”當永金的奶奶得知有學業扶助制度的時候十分開心。 “Your help makes me feel that I am not alone and that there are people in this world caring for us!” Yongjin shares. “您的幫助讓告訴了我我不是孑然一身,讓我覺得世界上是真的有人在關心著我們!”永金分享道。

Even though her life has been hard, Yongjin has persevered and is wise beyond her years. 儘管永金迄今的生活十分困難,但她從沒放棄過希望,甚至比同齡人還要成熟。 “I am not ashamed for what happened to me, in fact, these have enabled me to gain some competencies that many people my age don’t have—cooking, seeing doctors by myself, being very independent. “我不為自己的身世感到羞恥。不如說,正是它[hardships]讓我習得了我的同齡人們學不到的技能——煮飯、自己看醫生、獨立。 I’m confident and don’t think that I’m lacking anything compared to others.” 我非常自信,也不認為自己比別人少了點什麼。”

CWEF scholarships provide bright young women scholarships and support, preparing them for a life of leadership and service to their families and communities. CWEF獎學金中有支持活力四射的年輕女孩們的獎學金,為她們建立一個充斥著領導性和服務自己的家庭與社區的未來。 Additionally, student development programs equip students for life after school, including crucial skills such as: setting goals and making plans, managing emotions, working in teams, and more. 再者,學生發展項目為學生的畢業後生活做足了準備。項目當中包含了生活必備技能,如:設定目標和制定計畫、情緒控制、與人合作的方式等等。 Yongjin shares, 永金分享到, “The scholarship is precious to me, and I will make sure to use it wisely to optimize the value. Looking at it, I feel that I can accomplish my dreams and I’m very appreciative for that. It’s a blessing, also a responsibility. It motivates and stimulates me, and also reminds me that I’m not alone. There are also others like you and my grandma supporting me.” “我十分珍惜這個獎學金,也會保證自己將這個獎學金的作用發揮到極致。光是看著它,就覺得我能圓夢,我十分感激它為我帶來的感覺。這不僅僅是一個恩惠,同時也是一份責任。它不斷鼓勵、激勵著我,提醒者我我不是一個人,周圍還有很多人在支持我。比如說奶奶,比如說你們。”

According to the World Bank, the education of girls is central to breaking the cycle of poverty. 根據世界銀行數據,女性的教育是打破貧窮惡性循環的關鍵。 Your support helps students like Yongjin realize a bright future with better earning potential and increased knowledge about health and nutrition. 您的支持可以幫助到像永金一樣的學生,讓他們領會到他們的未來可以充斥着希望,讓他們學習到健康與營養的相關知識。 “I’m prepared to conquer the difficulties and hindrances in my life with grit and perseverance. I hope, in the future, I’ll be able to help others like what you have done for me.” “我已經準備好用我的決意和堅持不懈的努力來征服今後一切的困難、跨越一切障礙物。我希望在未來,我能夠有機會像你們曾幫助我過一樣,去幫助他人。” Yongjin’s bold optimism embodies CWEF’s vision of a world of thriving communities, serving and inspiring hope in others. 永金積極向上的態度象徵了CWEF的願景,我們祈願社區茁壯健康,為人服務,燃起希望。

Yongjin’s Education: Blessing and Responsibility 永金的教育:恩惠與責任 閱讀全文 »

Yanmaidi project complete! 燕麥地工程竣工!

by Jenny Chu, Jesus Arroyo & Josh Lange 出自於褚葉菲,Jesus Arroyo & 郎書亞

The cistern is now complete, the pipes are laid, and each family in Yanmaidi has renewed access to reliable, clean drinking water! 如今,我們已經建好了水箱、鋪好了水管,燕麥地的每個家庭都可以喝到可靠乾淨的飲用水了! Because of your generous giving, our friends in rural Yunnan province have received the beautiful New Year’s gift of renewed health, hope and vitality after years of frustrations and limitations. 多虧了您慷慨的幫助,在多年的折磨與限制中,我們雲南偏遠地區的夥伴們收到了一份美麗的新年禮物,他們可以終於重獲健康的身體、希望與希望。

CWEF staff traveled to Yanmaidi on January 10 to celebrate the completion of the project with the village’s families and local government leaders. CWEF工作人員於一月十日拜訪了燕麥地,與村莊的家庭和當地政府組織慶祝了工程的竣工。

Prior to the completion of the new water system, Yanmaidi’s drinking water had been delivered using a series of old, low-quality plastic pipes that looped around the village. 在新的供水系統竣工之前,燕麥地的飲用水都是通過老舊、低質量的塑料水管循環傳送至每一戶人家的。 These pipes were degrading and fragile. 這些水管既脆弱又已經老化。 The pipes would burst during the rainy season due to an overload of water and would freeze during the winter causing similar problems. 雨季的時候水管會因載水過多而破裂;冬季時會因溫度過低而冷凍並破裂。 During droughts, the water system was unable to deliver water effectively, causing many residents to hike 800 meters to a nearby reservoir to collect water, several times per day. 乾旱的時候,供水系統無法有效率地輸水,導致大量人家不得不攀爬800m的高坡去最近的水庫收集水源,一日得來往多次。 The outdated system required constant maintenance and left families with no water when things went wrong. 陳舊的供水系統不僅長期需要有人進行維修,甚至在出現問題的時候都不能儲下備用的水源供人使用。 Even when water was available, the quality of the water was not good because of contamination in the system due to constant pipe breakages. 即使是在有足夠水源的時候,經常性的水管破裂依舊導致水源受到了污染,因此水的質量欠佳。

100% of the village households made contributions to bring the project to a successful completion. 100%的家庭都為工程做出了貢獻,一起完成了這個工程。 Each family contributed a small amount of their own money and a considerable amount of their own physical labor to complete the project. 每戶家庭為了工程都投入了一些私人資金,提供了可觀的勞工數量。

During her recent visit to help celebrate the project’s completion, CWEF’s Jenny Chu also facilitated a health training session focused on drinking water safety, personal hygiene, prevention of common illnesses, safe use of pesticides, and women’s health care. 在她最近前往拜訪村莊共同慶祝竣工的時候,CWEF的褚葉菲也協助了關於飲水安全、個人衛生、如何預防常見疾病、如何安全使用殺蟲劑還有女性健康護理的健康培訓課程。

Jenny Chu meets with women in Yanmaidi to discuss women’s health care 褚葉菲與燕麥地的女性見面,討論女性健康護理

Zhang Zhenghua has resumed his role as the water system manager (in a previous story, we highlighted Zhang’s wife Yicun). 張正華恢復了他作為供水系統管理員的職位(在先前的故事中,我們講述了關於張先生的妻子伊春)。 Zhenghua and Yicun expressed their delight with the completed project. 正華和伊春表達了竣工的喜悅之情。 Zhenghua no longer worries about being woken up at midnight to fix a broken pipe. 正華再也不用為半夜突然被叫醒去維修破裂的水管而擔心。 Pipe repair will no longer be a daily struggle for the Zhang family, which will give them more time to focus on their crops and other work. 水管維修不再是張氏家庭的日常負擔,他們騰出了多餘的時間去注重於農業還有其他工作。 With his newfound time, Zhenghua hopes to be able to improve his family’s life by raising more livestock of their own. 正華希望能夠利用這些新空出來的時間,通過飼養更多牲畜來改善自家的生活。

Here are a few additional notes about the project’s ongoing maintenance, which all residents agreed upon and committed to at a recent village meeting: 關於工程的事後維修安排,我們還有以下幾點需要闡明。這些點均在最近的村莊會議中得到了所有家庭的一致認同:

  • The water system fee will increase from 5 to 10 yuan per person per year. 每年每人該繳納的供水系統管理費將上漲至5到10元。 Zhenghua’s salary will stay the same, and the additional 5 yuan per person will go to a fund to be used for maintenance and repair costs. 正華的工資保持不變,額外從每人繳納的5元將會用於供水系統保養維修資金。
  • Every six months, a team of three will work together to clean the main cistern. 每六個月就會有由三人組成的小隊一起清洗主要水箱。
  • CWEF plans to conduct a comprehensive follow-up evaluation of the project at Yanmaidi in 2022, two years after the project’s completion. CWEF打算在2022年,竣工兩年後,撰寫一份燕麥地綜合性工程竣工評估。

Yanmaidi’s village leader, Zhang Linzhong, expressed his deep gratitude to everyone who has made this project possible. 燕麥地村莊村長張林忠,向為工程貢獻了的人們表達了深厚的感激。 He shared that in the future they hope to improve on the water system by expanding it to reach more of their fields. 他分享到,在未來希望能夠改善供水系統來將水管擴展到更遠的農地。 He also shared his dream of installing street lights throughout the community, and in the future plans to expand sales of their organic produce to nearby cities where they will sell for a better price. 他也分享了自己想要為整個社區安裝上街燈的夢想。未來也打算拓展農作物銷售範圍,將農作物以更高的價格賣給周邊的城市。

In closing, Mr. Zhang shared with us that he plans to live in Yanmaidi with his family for the rest of his life, continuing to help the village that raised him as a child to grow and thrive. 在總結發言中,張先生分享到他打算今後都留在燕麥地陪伴自己的家庭,繼續幫助扶養自己成人的村莊發展。

Yanmaidi project complete! 燕麥地工程竣工! 閱讀全文 »


Goodbye Broken Pipes, Hello Renewed Lives 再見破碎的水管,你好嶄新的生活

by Jenny Chu, CWEF Yunnan Health Programs Director 出自褚葉菲,CWEF雲南健康計畫負責人

When I first visited 當我於2018年的九月份, Yanmaidi village in September of 2018, it didn’t look much different from other 第一次拜訪燕麥地村莊的時候,我並不覺得它與其他同樣在雲南省的這塊區域的村莊 villages in this part of Yunnan province. 有所差別。 Most of the buildings are made of mud 這裡大部分的建築物都由泥土、 bricks and concrete, along with a few modern-style buildings. 磚頭還有水泥建造而成,同時還有為數不多的現代式建築。 However, when I 只不過,當我 entered my host Mr. Hu’s house, he had a surprise for me. 赴約進入我的邀請人虎先生的家中的時候,我大吃了一驚。 He picked up a wooden 他先是撿起了地上一塊木板, board from the ground to reveal a small pit underneath, and he showed me the buried 露出了底下的坑窪。接著,他又向我展示了 water pipe under his home that had cracked due to wear and tear over time. 埋藏在家地底下,歷經時間的磨練而變得破爛不堪的水管。 He had 為了修復這個水管 dug up his floor in order to repair it. 他不得不撬開家裡的地板才得以施工。 He told me this was typical throughout 他告訴我這在燕麥地很常見, Yanmaidi, and that many of the families in the village had the same experience. 幾乎所有的家庭都經歷過同樣的事。

Mr. Hu has played a key 虎先生是燕麥地飲水工程 role in the drinking water project in Yanmaidi. 當中的關鍵性人物。 He sought out CWEF’s local 他通過了自己的人脈找到了 partner in Lufeng county through his own contacts, assisted in the pre-project 位居陸豐縣的當地CWEF夥伴、支援了計劃實施前的基線問卷調查、 partner in Lufeng county through his own contacts, assisted in the pre-project 還在2019的春天邀請了CWEF服務式學習隊伍 meals at his home in Spring 2019. 在自己家裡共進餐宴。

Mr. Hu is 37 years old. 虎先生,年齡37歲。 He was born in Yanmaidi and, together with his parents and grandfather, continues 他出生於燕麥地,與父母親和爺爺共同在此生活, to live and work here as a farmer. 做著農民的工作。 The family grows wheat, corn, chili peppers, 虎氏家庭有種植小麥、玉米、辣椒, and yams. 還生產紡線。 They also cultivate chestnut, walnut, and bayberry trees, as well as 他們還培植板栗、核桃、楊梅樹。同時也會 collecting wild mushrooms in the forest areas surrounding their village. 在村莊周圍的森林裡採集野生菌類。 Previously, Mr. Hu had moved away from Yanmaidi to work as a seasonal migrant 先前,虎先生離開了燕麥地,作為一個季節性農民工 laborer for two years. 工作了兩年。

In recent years, life 最近幾年, has been getting better in Yanmaidi. 燕麥地的生活質量逐漸改善。 A paved road was recently built all the 燕麥地裡鋪了一條直達村莊內部的公路、 way into the village, and cash crops are increasingly replacing traditional 更多的經濟作物開始取代糧食作物, crops, slowly creating higher incomes for village families. 家庭的的收入也隨之不斷增長。 In 2018, the 2018年, average annual income per person was 3,500 yuan (about US$500). 每人平均收入達到了3500人民幣(約500美元)。

One exception to the 在蒸蒸日上的發展中, positive trends in Yanmaidi has been the village’s drinking water system. 燕麥地唯一的例外就是村莊的飲水系統。 The 水管早已磨損多年, system’s pipes have been wearing out and breaking down for years, and many families’ 很多家庭之所以經常供不到水 water frequently stops flowing, mainly due to water pipes constantly rupturing 大概就是因為水管時不時會破裂, and needing repair. 並且急需維修了。 When the water supply gets cut off, Mr. Hu and other 當斷水的時候,虎先生和其他的家庭 families need to walk about one kilometer to go collect water. 只好走一公里遠的路去收集水源。 Going back and 他們浪費了許多 forth multiple times every day to carry water consumes valuable time and 原本可以用來做農工或是其他工作的寶貴的時間, energy, which they could be using to attend to their farming and other labor 一天之內得來來回回往返好多次 work. 去收集水源。 As you can imagine, the deteriorating water system has created many 正如您想像的一樣,老化的供水系統為家庭帶來了 frustrations and limitations for the families here. 許多困擾與不便。

Each family in Yanmaidi 燕麥地的每個家庭 is participating in the drinking water project supported by CWEF by 都參與了CWEF支援的飲水工程。 contributing a portion of the required funds from their own meager incomes, 他們一是從自己微乎其微的收入中投入了一部分資金, along with the physical labor needed to dig trenches and lay all of the new 而且還提供了勞力來挖掘溝渠、 pipes and cisterns that will make up the renewed system. 鋪下之後將成為他們嶄新的系統的水管和水箱。

When the project is 當工程竣工時, completed, Mr. Hu and everyone in Yanmaidi will feel a strong sense of satisfaction 虎先生和燕麥地的所有居民都對嶄新的飲水系統 and ownership in their village’s drinking water system. 感受到了極大的滿足和成就感。 After years of 歷經多年的 frustration and limitations, they will be grateful to say goodbye to hours of 困擾與不便,他們終於可以向度日如年般的收集水源過程道別, wasted time carrying water and hello to renewed health, hope and vitality. 向生機勃勃、重新建立的健康與希望说你好。对此他们感到感激不已。

Through the end of December, generous friends of CWEF have pledged a 100% match for all gifts up to a total of US$20,000. 在十二月份過去之後,CWEF慷慨的朋友向他們保證了總價值約2萬美元的贈禮。 Give clean water to one family in Yanmaidi, and a second family will also be blessed with the beautiful gift of a reliable, convenient source of clean water! 為燕麥地當中的一個家庭提供水源,就會有第二個家庭收到安全便捷的飲水水源的這份恩惠!

Goodbye Broken Pipes, Hello Renewed Lives 再見破碎的水管,你好嶄新的生活 閱讀全文 »
