Yongjin 永金

Yongjin’s Education: Blessing and Responsibility 永金的教育:恩惠與責任

The aged woman looked at the infant sleeping in her arms and thought, “she’s as small as a kitten.” 一名老婦人抱著睡在襁褓之中的嬰兒,想到:“她跟小貓咪一樣小。” Yongjin was only a month old when she was abandoned by her father into her grandmother’s care. 在永金被父親拋棄,投靠奶奶的時候僅有一個月大。 Her mother suffered from a mental disorder and was unable to care for her. 永金的母親長期受精神障礙困擾,無法獨自撫養永金。 Yongjin, now 16, was raised by her cherished grandmother in rural Yunnan province. 永金,如今16歲,是在雲南省偏遠地區被奶奶帶大成人的。 “I feel sorry for my grandma, for the hardship she has been through.” “我很對不起奶奶,很對不起她曾經吃過的苦。”

Yongjin, full of gratefulness, was awarded with a CWEF scholarship to cover her high school tuition and related costs. 永金,懷抱感恩的人,被授予了CWEF獎學金以支付高中學費及相關費用。 She reflects, 她回想道, “…your sponsorship allows me to continue pursuing my study without worrying about the tuition and living cost, which is a big expense for my family. Your help greatly released my family’s burden.” Yongjin’s grandmother was overjoyed when she heard the news of her educational assistance. “…您的贊助使我得以不用顧慮金錢地追求學業,不然的話學費和生活費都會成為我家庭的重擔。您的幫助讓我的家庭如釋重負。”當永金的奶奶得知有學業扶助制度的時候十分開心。 “Your help makes me feel that I am not alone and that there are people in this world caring for us!” Yongjin shares. “您的幫助讓告訴了我我不是孑然一身,讓我覺得世界上是真的有人在關心著我們!”永金分享道。

Even though her life has been hard, Yongjin has persevered and is wise beyond her years. 儘管永金迄今的生活十分困難,但她從沒放棄過希望,甚至比同齡人還要成熟。 “I am not ashamed for what happened to me, in fact, these have enabled me to gain some competencies that many people my age don’t have—cooking, seeing doctors by myself, being very independent. “我不為自己的身世感到羞恥。不如說,正是它[hardships]讓我習得了我的同齡人們學不到的技能——煮飯、自己看醫生、獨立。 I’m confident and don’t think that I’m lacking anything compared to others.” 我非常自信,也不認為自己比別人少了點什麼。”

CWEF scholarships provide bright young women scholarships and support, preparing them for a life of leadership and service to their families and communities. CWEF獎學金中有支持活力四射的年輕女孩們的獎學金,為她們建立一個充斥著領導性和服務自己的家庭與社區的未來。 Additionally, student development programs equip students for life after school, including crucial skills such as: setting goals and making plans, managing emotions, working in teams, and more. 再者,學生發展項目為學生的畢業後生活做足了準備。項目當中包含了生活必備技能,如:設定目標和制定計畫、情緒控制、與人合作的方式等等。 Yongjin shares, 永金分享到, “The scholarship is precious to me, and I will make sure to use it wisely to optimize the value. Looking at it, I feel that I can accomplish my dreams and I’m very appreciative for that. It’s a blessing, also a responsibility. It motivates and stimulates me, and also reminds me that I’m not alone. There are also others like you and my grandma supporting me.” “我十分珍惜這個獎學金,也會保證自己將這個獎學金的作用發揮到極致。光是看著它,就覺得我能圓夢,我十分感激它為我帶來的感覺。這不僅僅是一個恩惠,同時也是一份責任。它不斷鼓勵、激勵著我,提醒者我我不是一個人,周圍還有很多人在支持我。比如說奶奶,比如說你們。”

According to the World Bank, the education of girls is central to breaking the cycle of poverty. 根據世界銀行數據,女性的教育是打破貧窮惡性循環的關鍵。 Your support helps students like Yongjin realize a bright future with better earning potential and increased knowledge about health and nutrition. 您的支持可以幫助到像永金一樣的學生,讓他們領會到他們的未來可以充斥着希望,讓他們學習到健康與營養的相關知識。 “I’m prepared to conquer the difficulties and hindrances in my life with grit and perseverance. I hope, in the future, I’ll be able to help others like what you have done for me.” “我已經準備好用我的決意和堅持不懈的努力來征服今後一切的困難、跨越一切障礙物。我希望在未來,我能夠有機會像你們曾幫助我過一樣,去幫助他人。” Yongjin’s bold optimism embodies CWEF’s vision of a world of thriving communities, serving and inspiring hope in others. 永金積極向上的態度象徵了CWEF的願景,我們祈願社區茁壯健康,為人服務,燃起希望。


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