Together, we can strengthen communities as they emerge from poverty to serve and inspire others.

Powered by your faithful prayers and generous gifts, Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation equips young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to become servant leaders who will strengthen their own communities.


Your gifts strengthen rural communities and enable people facing poverty to find holistic renewal of body, mind, and spirit.


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Group Counseling on Healthy Communication for 20 Teachers in china

It’s easy to overlook the importance of communicating well. If someone has never been taught good communication skills or witnessed it in others, an individual may not even know the ways that he/she is communicating poorly. For teachers, communication is the primary effort almost all day, every day.  What would the impact be on the lives of students

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One Filter = 15 Years of Clean Water!

Romaskean and her 4 year-old son, Rothana “The water looked clear and clean,” Romaskean said, “but it started to give us diarrhea and hurt our stomachs.”   In partnership with CLEAN Cambodia, Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation (CWEF) gave Romaskean and her family a bio-sand filter in June 2023. Biosand filters, also called slow sand filters, use a combination of sand

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You’re the Big Dipper

“I remember when I first entered high school, I was very anxious and uneasy. At this moment, the hope (of a scholarship from CWEF) surged into my heart like a clear spring in the desert. I was hesitant and uneasy because I feared losing my education due to financial difficulties, but CWEF has alleviated my anxiety. With the progress

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Yingping, CWEF high school scholarship recipient from rural China, standing in front of a wall framed by flowers

She’s Now Determined to Get Ahead

This letter is written by Yingping, one of CWEF’s high school scholarship recipients in China. Dear Donors: Greetings to all of you! Thank you very much for the attention of the state, the school, and the donors to us poor students and for giving us practical help. We can’t express our gratitude in person, but we can only

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One of CWEF's mental health course teachers giving a student at Bohua school in Yunnan a big hug

How to Prepare Students For Their Next 90 Years

As an adult, are there things you wish someone had told you earlier in life? To help young people be well-prepared on important life issues, CWEF is incorporating practical life lessons into its mental health course. CWEF partners teach this course to 250 migrant children at Bohua School in a rural area of Yunnan, China. Connecting

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Pov, a young Cambodian and Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation (CWEF) college scholarships recipient, working on a 3D cardboard 'S' statue that he spray painted gold for one of his college visual design courses.

Actually, Textbooks are Really Helpful to Have

When I was a child, I often felt scared. The other people in my village didn’t like me. They didn’t like me because of my father: he would often get drunk and do violent things. When I was 4 or 5 years old, my mom and dad decided to divorce. In my dad’s absence, my mom worked the land as

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