Mr. Li lives with his wife and two young children. Before the installation of the drinking water system, Li and his wife carried water 4-5 times each day; it took 30 minutes each time. He shared with CWEF that his two kids got sick often with diarrhea and colds. Now that they have reliable access to clean water they are helping their kids develop good hygiene habits.
Previously, Li took his family to Lincang for migrant work during the dry seasons of the past 3 years. Since the project was completed, their water supply is sufficient and they can stay at home. Li can harvest rosin from pine trees, which is used for electronics and musical instrument manufacturing. His wife will be able to raise more pigs and chickens to sell at the market. Li looks forward to how their lives will improve because of the access to safe, reliable water. He hopes to build a small shower and toilet this year after he can save some money. He and his family are full of confidence about the future of their family and their village.
Hygiene training in Li’s village by CWEF’s Soniya Zhao