New Wells in Cambodia

In November, 15 water wells were completed serving 70 families and one primary school in southeastern Cambodia. These wells provide safe drinking water for more than 1,330 people. The CWEF staff traveled around the area with two local pastors to find the best locations for the water wells. Once the 15 locations were selected, CWEF hired a professional to dig the wells.

One of the water well recipients was 71-year-old Mr. Hun (far right). He is a Christian who volunteers with the church in his village and cares for his wife who is house-bound due to a physical disability. Mr. Hun was unable to carry water due to his age and physical condition and he could not afford to pay anyone to help him carry water.

With the well now installed in his yard, Mr. Hun and five other families have convenient and reliable access to clean water.

The CWEF staff also coordinated with the local pastors to organize time and location for the health and safe drinking water training for the members of the families with access to the wells. The training not only provides an opportunity to share with the families the importance of safe drinking water, but an opportunity to share the Gospel with them as well. We hope to impact the lives of the water well recipients with not only clean water and improved physical health, but also the gift of new life through the ‘living water’ Jesus offers.

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