The 2015 All Staff Meeting

The 2015 all staff meeting was held on August 24-28 at Dao Fung Shan Christian Centre in Shatin, Hong Kong. A total of 12 staff from Hong Kong, Shanghai, Yunnan, Guangdong, Cambodia participated in the fellowship and teambuilding activities along with seven guests, including members from the CWEF board councilors.

The theme for the meeting was change. The major change for the meeting was the development and implementation of organizational values. The CWEF administration set two of the values, and the staff worked together to develop two more organizational values. Time was also allotted for discussion on how to align daily work practices with the newly developed organizational values.

Other changes that were introduced included a new employee compensation matrix and employee engagement programs. The goal of the compensation matrix and employee engagement program is to align organizational practices with our stated organizational value of people, including our employees.

A number of our guests led studies, including the topics service, faith, fear and the future. A number of study materials were provided for the CWEF staff by the LCMS Asia regional office.

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